About Candy

Candace MoraschFounding Director, Candace Morasch a speech-language pathologist, worked for public schools for 30 years. She worked with a variety of communicative handicaps including stuttering, articulation errors, language disorders, developmental delays and autism.
Saddletime Farm was a childhood fantasy long before it became an adult reality. Pondosa Kenzie, my first Morgan purchased in 1960 and my mentor Phil Morrison fostered a devotion to the Morgan horse now in its fourth decade. Growing up in Grants Pass, a severe stutterer and faced with difficulties at home and in school, horses became my sanctuary, an oasis of tranquility in a tumultuous childhood. My 4-H leaders Francis Adams, Phil Morrison and Amelia Jesinghaus provided positive role models and practiced what they preached...work hard, do your best and serve the good of the order. 

Recognized for her skills with Morgan horses and special-needs students, Candace Morasch created Once Upon A Horseā„¢ to enrich the lives of individuals with disabilities through working with Morgan horses. She combines compassion, dedication, patience and professional excellence with a sincere desire to share the magic of Morgan horses with children, and especially, children with disabilities.